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Metabulk: A Shopify Metafields Bulk Edit Link Generator

My day job revolves around Shopify, the ecommerce behemoth that some people think is the weather vane of the post-COVID economy.

But I am nor a mover, nor a shaker, so my concern is less with its macroeconomic effects and more with the platform itself. Sometimes this means tedious things like "how do I update every product's subtitle at once so I don't have to spend all day clicking around?".

If you have every managed or worked on a Shopify store, you are probably familiar with how cumbersome if can be to edit metafields in a bulk way without an app.

I prefer to not use an app for metafields, and instead go with Shopify's increasingly robust native metafields. They are great, but Shopify currently makes it a hassle to edit these field values in bulk.

Enter Metabulk, a simple little app that helps you create a link that you can plop into a browser and see multiple metafields as columns, and all your objects (read products or collections) as rows.

In addition to trying to learn in public, I'm also trying to adopt the mindset of building my own tools if I can't find a good alternative.

It's super basic, and I would love for Shopify to make this obsolete, but for now I have found it very useful. I built it with my favorite stack: Tailwind CSS + Alpine JS. LOB FTW.

Check it out and let me know if it helps you!

View the project here.